Premium Skin Care
Our Services 2
Check our main hospital services
We focus on our patients
Responding to their needs, desires and expectations, offering high quality healthcare services
We implement an integrated Quality Improvements & Patient Safety Program, which covers all clinical and administrative operations, including clinical laboratory services, diagnostic and therapeutic imaging services, occupational health and safety.
Cardilology Department
Mediclin is a pioneer in the area of heart disease, offering management from prevention and diagnosis
Neurology Department
The Neurodegenerative Department specializes in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders
Diagnostic Department
The Diagnostic Radiology Departments perform the entire range of conventional radiology
Radioactive Department
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Ostoporosis Department
Bone densitometry is an exam performed to check for osteoporosis, a bone condition that develops
Laboratories Department
The Central Laboratories of Mediclin offer a great variety of laboratory tests in blood, urine stool
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voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores